Home Pages




I visited your home

By your warm, kind invitation

I see my sister living

A full happy and good life

Special thanks for my brother law

Take caring my sister well

I wish you best wishes and happiness

Smart and beautiful girls

Make’s me feel so good

I see my sister good works

I am proud of you

Funny happy Cathy

Shining talented Tergel

Bright smiles from James

Cultured lady Uzmee

Very spoiled Dottie

I wish you all happy life

Best wishes in the world

Sodnom Erdenechimeg September 2008


Innocence lost

Innocence lost

Naïve young girl
Trusting my pure love
Mistaking his lust for love
Virgin clear my body was
Trusting love I give myself to him

Lustful man whispering words into my ear
His words inviting romantic music for my soul
His words pulling my heart
Born from my mothers body pure as snow
His lust consummated my purity gone

Never seeing, never hearing where is he
Together with friends I go
Meeting him his words no longer music
Cold to my soul I understand
His love is false my innocence lost

Thousand tears countless dreams
Up out of the abyss I climb
With purpose my spirit made whole
Leaving him behind fading into time
Without remorse into the future I go

Writer S.Uzmee

Editor James Pigg