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 Mongolians have numerous songs about Mothers, poetic renditions from many years past. Mongolian people talk about how strong the connection between a mother and child is; it’s dominated by maternal love from birth until the grave. Mothers all over the world care for their children and share a special bond, yet the traditional Mongolian culture seems to forge a stronger link than those of other cultures. The answer lies within how the Mongolian culture nurtures such strong bonds between a mother and child; you need to understand that it was based on a matriarchal society that revered women and mothers holding them above all others.
Most Mongolian mothers breast feed their children until they are at least two years old, some continue until the child is almost five years old – this depends on the child’s needs and the mother’s ability to produce milk. This connection between mother and child builds a strong bond that follows them throughout their life. As the child grows up the mother educates them indirectly by the child watching what she does and mimicking her – the mother encourages this behavior and the bond grows stronger still. At night time from the time the child is an infant the mother hums and sings traditional lullaby’s  – the child falls to sleep hearing their mother’s voice which quickly relaxes them into slumber. Most Mongolian mothers pray to God every morning by sprinkling milk or milk tea to the four directions and asking for their child’s health and happiness.  
P. Badarch is a famous Mongolian Poet – one of his most important and famous works was a poem about his Mother – in an interview about this poem he expressed how strongly he understood the connection with his mother and how it was part of his soul.
He wrote the poem“ Mother’s Emotion“ . That poem is very popular with the Mongolian people because of how it touches and pulls their heart strings.  Most people upon hearing or reading the poem have silent tears coursing down their cheeks as it pulls up memories of their mother.  
                 P. Badarch ; -“ My poem was about my mother’s feeling , she was a Mongolian herder’s wife.   I will never forget my childhood, I remember going with my mother to pick up dried cow droppings called “Argal” which is a natural fuel that people living on the steppes use as there is almost no wood to be used for fuel.

P. Badarch
Mother’s emotion

Your Mom, dreamt that her son died
In 80 years never before had dreamt that nightmare  
While milking the cows, worry is in my mind
My heart and mind throb
Fretful thoughts replay in my mind, thinking about my son
Charming poetry written by my son, reportedly, people reading
Clever songs written by my son, reportedly, I hear from the radio
My son is living good, reportedly told to me
My son is in trouble; I am told by people’s gossip
Doesn’t matter to me
You’re alive that makes mom proud
Mom is missing you very much
I became distracted by thinking of you; I switched my basket and scooper
Making the mistake of picking up the rocks for fuel instead of dry manure
Due to my son’s absence
Looking in the distance, I see a camel sized cloud, in my mind maybe it will freeze
Pink horizon sky, maybe night will crack from day
Still he does not come to Mom    
I hear of other people’s son coming to their Mom
They are celebrating in the village
My son is in jail
This heart breaking news is told to me
Oh, so why can’t I defend my son’s side
Is he hungry? I worry and discreetly cry inside
In youth my son was bright like an ember
This single life of mine, my son was like a leaf breaking free
Treasure in my arms, my wishes came to true when he was born
I imagined it like absorbing luck from the ground
Dreaming about finding my only son  
If you’re in trouble my son, don’t to mess around come to Mom
If you’re just hanging around my son, don’t be there just come to Mom
In somebody’s eye my son is like mold on a rock, Old & gray is my son
In your mom’s eye you are still wrapped in a blanket, my baby
Come to Mom
Calling out for you
Scaring you with soon I will die
Please come to Mom my son
Smart is my baby hurai hurai hurai * - to make exclamations of pity
Like a baby colt come to Mom gurii gurii * -to make exclamations of pity
 This poem is about a Mother missing her son very much and worrying about her son’s life; she looks into distance, waiting for son for a long time. This poem is short synopsis of the mother’s feelings throughout time, from her heart. Her son lives in the capital city and he wrote this poem to express how his mother must have felt.

 “...Араг, савар хоёрыг зөрүүлэн байж би хүүгээ бодлоо
Аргал чулуу хоёрыг андууран байж хүүгээ саналаа...”
I became distracted by thinking of you; I switched my basket and scooper
Making the mistake of picking up the rocks for fuel instead of dry manure”

Mongolian herders often had to pick up manure to fuel the fire in their homes. She missed her son, Badarch, and was busy thinking of him so she accidently mixed up her basket and her scooper; she also mistakenly picked up rocks instead of dry manure due to not paying attention because she was thinking about her son.

Badarch said that you can translate poetry word for words, and that you could also explain the poem’s meaning. But you can’t translate the Mongolian people’s feelings in their heart. I agree with him on that; everybody’s mind and imagination is different. How one person understands and the way their brain pictures it differs from how other people’s minds will.       

Also Badarch said; He always remembers the famous Demchigdorj’s  book   “Royalty thesaurus  dictionary”. In the dictionary it stated “If a child is living far away the Mother’s heart sometimes goes with her child. If the child is feeling bad, in the long distant the Mother can feel it; and the mother will feel sick from worry. If the child living well, the mother feels has energy and feels well. A mother and her child’s heart can never disconnect. When born the umbilical cord is cut but an emotional umbilical cord can never be cut.  An intrinsic gold cord is connected between their hearts.  The mothers spirit  will also look over the child from Heaven.” 
Badarch also said: I always miss my mom very much.  True from my heart I wrote this poem so it will also touch other people’s hearts.  This poem was in my mind and in my heart I felt my Mother.  I got awards and had proud days, but I also lost my job and had sad days.  I always believe my Mother is looking over me; this makes me feel good. I remember at the President’s office I received the best author award; at that time I felt my mom was with me. If my mom was here she would be so proud of me. When I think of her I can’t hold back my tears and I instantly cry.
Authors Note: I also remember my mom; she birthed me into this world and she helped me with my life. My mom was a very talented and handy woman. She sewed and designed clothes; I started to help her with that when I was in the 4th grade. She sewed coats, dresses, hats, costumes and was very good at knitting; also at embroidery.   She is why I also became a handy woman. I always miss my mom;  I also believe my lovely mom, dad, grandpa, grandma, and my brothers are looking over me from Heaven.  



A day in the life of a Mongolian Herders Wife and Mother

A day in the life of a Mongolian Herders Wife and Mother

Mom gets up at dawn; she starts the fire in the stove warming the house and starts making breakfast. First she boils milk tea and then she takes a little tea outside the house to pray to God, blessing the earth by sprinkling the tea with a wooden spoon three times; she does so towards the east, west, north and south. Then she goes back into the house; by then everyone is up, she gives tea first to her husband and then the children. A Mongolian breakfast is whatever you have available that day. Most herder families have milk tea, homemade cookies, homemade fluffy butter, lamb ribs or other meats. After breakfast the children help mom wash the dishes. Then she milks the cow; her husband helps the children take out the calf. She will also milk the sheep and goats as well. When all the animals have been milked, she fixes goody bags with snacks aaruul which is dry yogurt; her husband is herding the cows out on the steppes while the older children herd the sheep and goats.

After that she boils milk making a fluffy butter, then she cleans her house and rakes the yard; cleaning up the animals shed also. Next she washes the family’s clothes and hangs them outside on the clothesline. In the afternoon she makes different kinds of yogurt, dried as well as fried. Her husband and the children come home with the animals, they quickly eat snacks and help mom milk the animals. Once the milking is finished and the animals are put away she prepares dinner. When dinner is finished she works on her sewing, she is making a deel which is the Mongolian traditional clothing. Sometimes she makes altercations or repairs to their clothes.

                Herders’ families move each of the four seasons to different areas based on grazing. During winter the herders’ life is very difficult due to the extreme cold, wind and sometimes deep snow. January and February are difficult due to the birthing of their animals.
                In the spring time they are shearing sheep, combing cashmere goats as well as the camels; using these materials to make wool felt and different types of yarn.

 In the summer time they dry yogurts and other dairy products for the winter. During this time they also slaughter animals and dry the meat for winter. They also harvest herbs and dry them for winter.
                During the fall they collect dry manure to be used as fuel for making fires during the harsh winter. Gathering dried grasses for hay and repairing the animal sheds.

S.Uzmee 3.18.2014




Mongolian dances are usually about the nomadic life style and traditions of the Mongol people. The movements in Mongolian dances are very unique. The dances are usually inspired by daily tasks of Mongol life. Dancers usually portray characters. The dance movements are usually made up of doing twists, hand movements, moving the chest fast and sharply, rolling the shoulders back, reeling the body back and moving the different joints of their bodies. They are also made up of leg movements such as jumps, steps, galloping, crawling on their knees, spinning, dragging their feet etc…   
                Mongolia has over 13 ethnic groups. Each groups dance is about their own traditions and life styles.  Example: The Dorov “Bowl dance” is when a woman holds small bowls in each hand with one on her head containing milk - she dances vigorously shaking her chest moving her arms without spilling the milk - Mongols use milk as a blessing to God as it is pure and white. 

                There are many different types of Mongolian dances such as, folk, historical, ethnic, theatrical, classical, and modern dance. Mongolian folk dances are about the traditional life style or natural elements; like: mountains, rivers, steppes, horses, heroes, milking an animal, making wool, sewing, colt training, hunting etc…


                A historical dance shows history through dance; ancient kingdoms, old rituals, religions and showing the lifestyle of the past.. Example: Shaman dance, Celebration fire, “Cam-Цам” etc…    
 Mongolian dance choreographers bring life to the stage by showing the *traditional Mongolian life style.

A famous Mongolian choreographer is C.Sevjid who has come up with so many dances. Baruun Mongol Bielgee when translated means West Mongolian dance, Jalam Har which when translated means Stallion, Aduuchin zaluus when translated means Horse men, Saalichin when translated means Dairy farmer, Cacal which when translated means Blessing. His dances consist of Mongolian history and the nomadic life style. He has displayed these amazingly on the stage by bringing them to life. He has made a great contribution in the dance history of Mongolia.

Mongolian dances are very energetic, exciting, powerful, resplendent, happy, and very enjoyable.

.* The Mongolian (traditional) nomadic life style mostly consists of moving, raising animals, producing dairy, and making wool felt and yarn. They also know the feel of the earth and they appreciate life and God.

S.Uzmee 3.15.2014



 Mongolian traditional painting tools were bird feathers, tree bark, flower, dirt, and milk- vodka mixed with glue and chalk dust. Once dry the painting would be smoothed over with stones.  

Mongolian masterpiece “One day in Mongolia” was painted by B.Sharav 1869-1939. He was an amazing painter. “One day in Mongolia” masterpiece shows Mongolian people’s life ending 19th century and beginning of the 20th century -  day by day nomadic life style showing each life processes amazing story. This master art piece has many people's interest; most of those people are art and antique collectors or people who study history and culture. If you see this wonderful artwork you will see the process of life starting from birth to death.
Original Masterpiece
Copy paint
Part of paint Paint by Avarced

Baby birth

1.Wool felt                                                                                        Mongolian wedding

It’s the story about a baby’s birth, the celebration of a new home, having a wedding, moving to another home, working with wool, chopping firewood, farming, milling, making a Ger, taking care of a dairy farm and of animals, the work of an undertaker, the romance of dating, taking a river bath, the birth of animals, animal shearing, going to join the army, arguing, crying, being happy, celebrating, animal herding etc…


By; S.Uzmee 3.12.2014