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Three Wonders of the World

Everything is full of light; all of nature enjoying the sun is truly a wonder
Breathing, to all creatures the blessing of air is truly a wonder
Plants and animals, the nourishing water is truly a wonder
Golden sunbeams spreading sparkling light into millions of places
Animals, humans, plants enjoying the first warmth
It is full of boldness and great energy
Mongolian herders living life under the sun
Strong bodies, healthy faces, people living happily
Sunburned Mongolian people are known throughout the world
Leaves and flowers wanted the beautiful and wonderful sun
Naadam* and parties, holidays celebrated under the sun
Happiness is sunlight
Cold air challenging creature’s lives
People’s bodies fed by the air in the atmosphere
Beneficial immutable air
Mongolian people living on the wide plains in the fresh air
Expanding chest breathing clean air
Long song singing faraway
Ruddy-cheeked brown Mongolian face
Understanding completely, a wise beacon the genius mind
Air, sun, and water those three things always connecting
If arthritis comes, steamy mineral springs relieves
Hygiene, cleanliness, health if wanted wash with water
Hygiene’s great power, water is a necessity
Wide plains spring water, mineral spring water
Curing of disease, illness still remaining
Smart talented minds discovering medical problems cure
Plants, animals, people allaaaaaWanted water, praying for rain
To be conscious of these three unforgettable wonders

(*Naadam is a Mongolian traditional holiday featuring Olympic type competitions in horse racing, wrestling and archery)
D. Natsagdorj 1935

Translator:Sodnom Uzmee
Editor: James Pigg
October 2006

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