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Who is Genghis Khan

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Who is Genghis Khan

 Genghis Khan and his officers commanded an army estimated at over 100,000 men with whom they conquered most of the known world at that time. A modern marine saying is improvised, adapt and overcome - that is exactly what Genghis Khan and his men did. At the height of the Mongol Empire they had over 50 nationalities under their rule stretching from Europe to Asia.

      He was the best that the world had ever seen, no other military leader before or since him has accomplished as much. Yet it doesn’t stop there, he built an empire that lasted and grew for a century and a half after his death.

    His innovations changed warfare - at that point in time all countries depended on heavily fortified cities to protect from marauders - he perfected the art of siege warfare and siege engines to the point that he effectively ended the age of walled cities. He also relied on speed and mobility on the battlefield, the fighting techniques he used made the European Knights with their heavy armor obsolete. He initiated and coordinated the use of cavalry units well disciplined and able to move with lightning-like speed for the time.

By S.Uzmee Pigg

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