
Two little hearts

Two little hearts

Two little sparkling eyes

Looking face to face

Holding candle lights

Promising each together

Wishes for the future

Honest little hearts

Beating big hearts

Intertwined in their sisterhood

Coming up together in life

Reaching out to each other

Best friends for life

Better in the world together

Blowing candles and giving hugs

Gazed upon by their grandma

Whose heart is deeply touched

Praying for their future life

For each and love them


S. Uzmee 09.19.2024


Mongolmom: Our Mother, Earth

Mongolmom: Our Mother, Earth:  Our Mother, Earth Blue view from the universe Beautiful earth of mine Giving you colors of nature Blessing you with light   Lov...

Our Mother, Earth

 Our Mother, Earth

Blue view from the universe

Beautiful earth of mine

Giving you colors of nature

Blessing you with light


Loving and taking care of the earth

Rains come down like happy soft tears falling

Greed ripping up the planet for oil and profit

Storms hurl downpours and twisting winds


Taking care of the oceans and rivers to keep them clear

The Earth will continue to make you happy and joyful

If you’re polluting and damaging nature

Sadness and anger through severe hurricanes and storms will follow


If you love nature and live with it

Flowers blooming colorfully with clear blue skies

Wars and destruction of nature

Opening chasms and fissures upon the earth


Oh, let us find peace on earth

Oh, no more strife

Oh, no more greed

Oh, no more fear


By, S. Uzmee 8.25.2024